You never know when an unexpected expense or cash emergency will rear its ugly head. When you need to get some fast emergency cash in Red Deer, Alberta, check out Instant Loans Canada. Don’t worry about being behind on bills or being hassled by creditors anymore, because now you can get a $1,000 to $25,000 auto equity loan Red Deer in just about 1 hour! Just fill out the easy online application form or give us a call and you’ll be on your way to the cash you need!
With an auto equity loan, you use your car title as collateral in exchange for cash. Often if you’re in debt or having financial problems, you have to use tangible objects as collateral, such as your house, car, or other expensive items. These types of loans are known as secure loans.
With an auto equity loan in Red Deer, you are using your title as leverage against the loan, not the actual car. This means you will retain full possession of your car the entire time you have the loan.
There is no credit check when you apply for an auto equity loan. The lender does not look at your credit at all because they use the title of your car as security.
In fact, our loan process is so simple, you can have cash in your hand an hour from now. Just give us a call. Once we take your details, you’ll get an immediate answer. Your loan is based on the value of your vehicle. That means you will be eligible for a great rate no matter what your credit history is like. It really is as straightforward as that.
Call us toll-free at 1-866-973-5214 to start the process of receiving cash. Apply now!